Mini-test Answer: 比 (Beginner)

Beginner Level 初级 (chūjí)

The correct answer for this Chinese language test is A.

 A: “比 ()” is a preposition in the Chinese language which means “to compare (with).” And it is used to express comparison between two objects. The sentence can be expressed in this way “he (他) 比 (compared with) me (我) tall (高).”

B: “是 (shì)” is an assertive word in the Chinese language which means “yes, is or to be.” For example: 她是学生。(Tā shì xuésheng.) She is a student.

C: “和 ()” is often used as a conjunction in the Chinese language and means “and.” For example: “你和我 (nǐ hé wǒ) you and I.”

D. “的 (de)” is an auxiliary word in the Chinese language. And “的 (de)” is often placed after the attributive to modify the noun.For example: “可爱的小女孩 (kě’ài de xiǎo nǚhái) the lovely little girl.”

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