1. If you have “极品(jípǐn)” coffee then it means that___.
A. the coffee is of the best quality.
B. people often drink this kind of coffee in an unconventional way.
C. this kind of coffee is nearly out of use.
2. If we call a person “极品(jípǐn)” with a disgusting tone, then the person may be ___.
A. a very outstanding official.
B. a very important person.
C. a person that acts outrageously and unusually.
If you are not sure about the answers, please read the following text first and then try again.
Recently, a hot TV series in China named “我的极品老妈(wǒ de jípǐn lǎomā) My Gourmet Mom!” has captured the attention of many people. The title of this TV series may make us curious. What’s the meaning of “极品老妈(jípǐn lǎomā)?” Why do we call the mother “极品(jípǐn)?” Ok, let’s learn about the word “极品(jípǐn)” first.
In the Qing Dynasty, the officials were placed into “九品(jiǔ pǐn), nine grades” and the highest grade was “一品(yī pǐn), the first grade.” The character “极(jí)” means extreme or highest.
Later we use “极品(jípǐn)” to mean the highest grade for objects. If something that is rare and precious and has reached a point where nothing of the same kind is better than it, we can say it is a “极品(jípǐn).”
“极品(jípǐn)” can be both a noun and an adjective.
Zhōngguó de XīHú lóngjǐng chá shì
中国 的 西湖 龙井 茶 是
China’s West Lake Longjing Tea is a masterpiece.
Zhè shì yí liàng
pǎo chē.
这 是 一 辆
跑 车。
This is a fabulous sports car.
However, today the word “极品(jípǐn)” has taken on a new meaning that refers to a person who acts so outrageously and unconventionally that they shock their friends, colleagues and acquaintances. Usually, we use it in an exaggerated tone. To some degree, it is a derogatory word while describing people.
Jim fēicháng xiǎoqì, zhēn shì gè
Jim 非常 小气, 真 是 个
Jim is very mean and he is really an unusual person!
Linda de qián nányǒu hěn
Linda 的 前 男友 很
Linda’s ex-boyfriend is very unusual.
In the hot TV series “我的极品老妈(wǒ de jípǐn lǎomā) My Gourmet Mom!” the mother often does very unconventional things that are beyond our imagination. For this, people call her “极品老妈(jípǐn lǎomā).” Are you interested in seeing this woman in action? Hurry, go watch the TV series!