Answers to the Exercises on the Tone Change Rules

Answer: B

In the Chinese language, there are four main tones and one neutral tone (or, as some say, five tones). The four main tones are first tone, second tone, third tone and forth tone. And in some situations, the tones will change according to specific rules.

When a third tone syllable is followed by another third tone syllable, the first third tone changes to the second tone. However, even if the third tone changes in spoken Chinese, we don’t change the tone in its written form. This can be confusing when reading Chinese, but you just need to keep this rule in mind.

In the test, Mike should say “你好!(Nǐhǎo!).” Both of the syllables “” and “hǎo” are third tones. When they are said separately they are pronounced as third tones, but when they are said together, “” is pronounced in the second tone as “.” In fact, if you try to say “” “hǎo,” it will not be very easy as it’s hard to pronounce two third tones in succession. This tone change rule for the third tone makes it easier to speak the Chinese language.


1. 手表  shǒubiǎo      a watch

Ellie, nǐ de shǒubiǎo zhēn piàoliang!
Ellie,你 的     手表      真      漂亮!

Ellie, your watch is really beautiful!

2. 很好  hěn hǎo   very good

Zhèr de hóngchá hěnhǎo.
这儿  的     红茶     很好。

The black tea here is very good.

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