Answer to Two Useful Chinese Sentence Structures!

1. b d c a = “我喜欢吃苹果。(Wǒ xǐhuan chī píngguǒ.) I like to eat apples.”
Here “苹果(píngguǒ)” means apple, “我(wǒ)” – I, “吃(chī)” – eat, and “喜欢(xǐhuan)” – like.
This is a sentence which follows the structure “S + AV + V + O”:
S   +   AV    +   V  +   O
Wǒ   xǐhuan  chī    píngguǒ.
我 +  喜欢 + 吃  +  苹果。

2. e d a f b c = “她是一个可爱的女孩。(Tā shì yígè kěàide nǚhái.) She is a lovely girl.”
Here “一个(yígè)” is one, “女孩(nǚhái)” – girl, “是(shì)” – be, “她(tā)” – she, and “可爱(kěài)” – lovely. “的(de)” is placed between an adjective and a noun to modify the noun; it helps answer the question “What kind of girl?”, the answer being “a lovely girl.” In general, you need to put “的(de)” after an adjective of more than two syllables; it should not be placed after a single-syllable adjective. For example, “她是一个好女孩。(Tā shì yí gè hǎo nǚ hái.)” is correct, whereas “她是一个好的女孩(Tā shì yí gè hǎo de nǚ hái.)。” would be incorrect.
This sentence follows the “S + V + O” structure:
S  +   V  +   O
Tā     shì     yígè  kěàide  nǚhái.
她 +  是 +  一个 可爱的  女孩。

So the correct sentence is “她是一个可爱的女孩。(Tā shì yígè kěàide nǚhái.)”
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