Answer to the Exercise on When Is It A Good Time to Use “时候(shíhou)” and “时间(shíjiān)”?

Correct Answer: B

1. 时候(shíhou)

“时候(shíhou)” refers to a specific time when something takes place.


Chīfàn de shíhou búyào shuōhuà.
吃饭    的   时候    不要     说话。
Don’t talk when you’re eating.

When asking “什么时候 (shénme shíhou),” the question is asking about a particular time.


Wáng Lì:   Nǐ shénme shíhou jiéhūn?
王       丽:你 什么       时候    结婚?
Wang Li: When will you get married?

Zhāng Wěi: Bāyuè shíjiǔ hào.
张        伟:八月     十九   号。
Zhang Wei: August 19th.

2. 时间 (shíjiān)

However, “时间 (shíjiān)” refers to a length of time or duration.


Zuìjìn gōnɡzuò tài mánɡ le, wǒ xiǎnɡ xiūxi yíduàn shíjiān.
最近    工作       太  忙    了,我   想   休息  一段    时间。
Recently, I have been so busy, so I want to take a rest for a while.

Nǐ měitiān ɡōnɡzuò duō chánɡ shíjiān?
你   每天      工作     多    长      时间?
How long do you work every day?

Let’s go back to the test now. Zhao Liang asked Li Mei how long she will be in Beijing. Since this question asks about a period of time, we use “时间(shíjiān).” Then, he asked when she will be back, which is asking for a specific time. So, in this instance, we use “时候(shíhou).”

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HSK Test
General Chinese (Beginner Level) 
General Chinese (Intermediate Level) 

6 thoughts on “Answer to the Exercise on When Is It A Good Time to Use “时候(shíhou)” and “时间(shíjiān)”?”

  1. Bharat B.Joshi

    I like teaching way of Chinese language . I am of the firm conviction that Hanji, Phynin , and the English translation should be hand in hand, it will raise and cause interest in New learners.

  2. Bharat B.Joshi

    I like teaching way of Chinese language . I am of the firm conviction that Hanji, Phynin , and the English translation should be hand in hand, it will raise and cause interest in New learners.

  3. Bharat B.Joshi

    I like teaching way of Chinese language . I am of the firm conviction that Hanji, Phynin , and the English translation should be hand in hand, it will raise and cause interest in New learners.

  4. Bharat B.Joshi

    I like teaching way of Chinese language . I am of the firm conviction that Hanji, Phynin , and the English translation should be hand in hand, it will raise and cause interest in New learners.

  5. Bharat B.Joshi

    I like teaching way of Chinese language . I am of the firm conviction that Hanji, Phynin , and the English translation should be hand in hand, it will raise and cause interest in New learners.

  6. Bharat B.Joshi

    I like teaching way of Chinese language . I am of the firm conviction that Hanji, Phynin , and the English translation should be hand in hand, it will raise and cause interest in New learners.

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