
After finishing the Chinese crossword puzzle we will have learned five Chinese greetings. They are:
“你好!(Nǐhǎo!) Hello!” is one of the most frequently used greetings in China. On most occasions when you meet someone, you can say “你好!(Nǐhǎo!) Hello!”
Lucy: Nǐhǎo, Zhāng Fēng.
Lucy:你好,张 丰。
Lucy: Hello! Zhang Feng.
Zhāng Fēng: Nǐhǎo, Lucy.
张 丰: 你好,Lucy。
Zhang Feng: Hello! Lucy.
好 久 不 见!
Long time no see!
If you haven’t seen a person for a long time, the next time you see him, you can say “好久不见!(Hǎo jiǔ bú jiàn!) Long time no see!” to express your happiness at being reacquainted.
Rose: Betty, hǎo jiǔ bú jiàn! Nǐ shì shénme shíhou cónɡ Zhōngguó huílái de?
Rose:Betty,好 久 不 见! 你 是 什么 时候 从 中国 回来 的?
Rose: Betty, long time no see! When did you come back from China?
Betty: Sān tiān qián.
Betty:三 天 前。
Betty: Three days ago.
I’ve heard so much about you.
Literally, “久仰(jiǔyǎnɡ)” means to have admired someone for a long time. It is usually used in a formal occasion. You can also say: “久仰久仰!(Jiǔyǎng jiǔyǎng!)”
Zhāng Lì: Bob, zhè shì wǒmen de CEO Yú Mǐn.
张 丽:Bob,这 是 我们 的 CEO 俞 敏。
Zhang Li: Bob, this is our CEO Yu Min.
Bob: Yú xiānsheng, jiǔyǎng jiǔyǎng!
Bob:俞 先生, 久仰 久仰!
Bob: Mr Yu, I’ve heard so much about you.
见到 你 很 高兴!
Glad to meet you!
In China, if you meet a person for the first time, you can say “见到你很高兴!(Jiàndào nǐ hěn gāoxìnɡ!) Glad to meet you.”
Lǐ Míng: Zhào Yīng, zhè shì wǒde péngyou Linda.
李 明: 赵 英, 这 是 我的 朋友 Linda。
Li Ming: Zhao Ying, this is my friend Linda.
Zhào Yīnɡ: Jiàndào nǐ hěn ɡāoxìng!
赵 英: 见到 你 很 高兴!
Zhao Ying: Glad to meet you!
我 很 好!
I’m fine!
As a Chinese greeting, Chinese people often use “我很好!(Wǒ hěn hǎo!)” to say “I’m fine.”
Lǐ Píng: Nǐ zuìjìn zěnmeyàng?
李 萍:你 最近 怎么样?
Li Ping: How are you?
Tom: Wǒ hěn hǎo!
Tom:我 很 好!
Tom: I’m fine.