Answer to Quiz-Rearrange Words to Form Correct Sentences

1. E-B-C-A-D
2. A-C-E-B-D
3. B-D-C-A
4. C-D-A-B
5. A-C-D-B-E

1. Correct sentence:

Nà hé tánɡ fēi chánɡ tián.
那 盒 糖 非 常  甜。
That box of candy is very sweet.

Analysis: The word “那” means “that”, which is a demonstrative pronoun followed by a noun. The word “盒” means “box”, which is a quantifier followed by a noun. The word “糖” is a noun, they form a sentence structure: demonstrative + quantifier + noun. The word “非常” is an adverb, and the word “甜” is an adjective, the adverb is to modify the adjective. The sentence structure being tested is: S+adv+adj.

2. Correct sentence:

Wǒ de tuǐ méi yǒu duàn.
我 的 腿 没 有 断。
My legs are not broken.

Analysis: The word “的” is a structural particle, which is used after an attributive to indicate the ownership relationship between the attributive and the central word. “断” is an adjective, which means “broken”, and the negative form is examined in this question: “没有断”. The sentence structure being tested is: S+没有/不+adj.

3. Correct sentence:

Dà jiā dōu yīnɡ ɡāi jiǎnɡ lǐ mào.
大 家 都 应 该 讲  礼 貌。
Everyone should be polite.

Analysis: The word “都” is an adverb, which means everyone or everything is included, and usually follows by the subject. The word “应该” is a verb followed by a noun, which means “should”, it forms a verb-object structure. The noun phrases “讲礼貌” is of the structure “verb + noun”, which means “to be polite”. The sentence structure being tested is: S + 都 + V + O.

4. Correct sentence:

Běi fānɡ de chūn jì jīnɡ chánɡ ɡuā fēnɡ.
北 方 的 春 季 经 常  刮 风。
Spring in the north is always windy.

Analysis: “经常” is an adverb that modifies a verb, which means “always” or “often”. “刮风” is a verb, means “wind blows”, the structure is: adv+V. “北方的” is used as an attributive element in this sentence, which means “northen”, modifying the finite subject. The sentence structure being tested is: attribute + S + adv + V.

5. Correct sentence:

Nǐ xuǎn lǜ sè de hái shì bái sè de.
你 选 绿 色 的 还 是 白 色 的?
Which one do you choose, green or white?

Analysis: “绿色的” and “白色的” are the word “的” attached to a word or a phrase to form the structure of “的” phrase, which is a noun phrase to indicate the person or thing in this sentence. “选” is a verb that follows by the subject, which means “choose”. “还是” is a conjunction that expresses to choose between two or more things or situations. The sentence structure being tested is: S+V+O1+ 还是 +O2?

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