Answer To Do you know the differences between 不 (bù) and 没 (méi)?


1. A  2. A  3. A  4. A  5. B  6. B  7.B

“不” is a static negation,“没” is a dynamic negation

1.tā shì yī gè hěn zì bēi de rén,zǒng jué de dà jiā duì tā bù tài yǒu hǎo.
She is someone with very low self-esteem, and she always feels that everyone is not friendly to her.

“不太友好 (Not very friendly)” is a denial of the attitudes of “大家 (everyone)”, and there is no dynamic change, so it is also a static negation.

2.zhè bǎ yǔ sǎn bù shì zhāng xiǎo míng de.
This umbrella is not Zhang Xiaoming’s.

The negation of objective truths or facts is also a negation of the word “是 (yes; is)” in judgment sentences. Objective truth and objective facts are constant, which is why “不” is the appropriate choice.

3.tā zhōu mò tōng cháng bù huì qù tú shū guǎn.
She usually doesn’t go to the library on the weekend.

The verb “去 (to go)” is a common and regular action. “不” negates the action itself, and is a static negation.

4.wèi le shěng xià lù fèi fù fáng zū,xiǎo zhū dǎ suàn jīn nián bù huí jiā guò nián.
In order to save travel expenses to pay rent, Xiao Zhu plans to not go home for the New Year this year.

“打算 (to plan)” is a word that strongly indicates subjectivity, and the adverb “不” is used to add a negation to the intent. This negation of wishes, attitudes, and emotions is also static, without a dynamic aspect.

5.zhè mǎn yuán de guǒ zi yī gè yě méi hóng.
None of the fruits in this garden are red.

“没红 (to not become red)” refers to a growth and change process of fruit from green to red, necessitating a dynamic negation.

6.2015 nián wǒ hái méi bì yè ne.
I hadn’t graduated yet in 2015.

“没毕业 (had not graduated)” is a negation of a change from “studying” to “graduated”, so the negation is done with “méi”, a dynamic negation.

7.zhè jiàn shì qíng xiàn zài hái méi jié guǒ.
This matter has not yet been resolved.

“这件事情 (this matter)” still has not been resolved at the time of speaking. Thus, “没” is the negation of choice for this dynamic process.

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