Answer to Chinese Quiz: Do You Know Question Words?

Answer: A
This quiz tests your understanding of question words.
Molly states: “我在中信广场。(Wǒ zài zhōngxìn guǎngchǎng.) I am in CITIC Plaza.” So, you know Molly is talking about a place. Because of that, you can tell Jessie is asking a question about position. In these four options, only A can be matched to the question. So A is the correct answer.
          Nǐ xiànzài zài nǎlǐ guàngjiē ne?
Jessie: 你  现在   在 哪里    逛街   呢?

         Wǒ zài zhōngxìn guǎngchǎng.
Molly: 我   在    中信       广场。
          I am in CITIC Plaza.

1. “哪里 (nǎlǐ)” is used for expressing “Where.”
Common structure:

Subj. + Verb + 哪里?


   Nǐ zài nǎlǐ?
A: 你 在 哪里?
   Where are you?

   Wǒ zài jiā.
B: 我 在 家。
   I’m at home.

2. “什么 (shénme)” is used to express “What.”
Common structure:

Subj. + Verb + 什么 + (Noun) ?
   Nǐ xǐhuan chī shénme cài?
A:你  喜欢   吃    什么   菜?
   What kind of food do you like?

3. “怎么 (zěnme)” is used to express “How.”
Common structure:

Subj. + 怎么 + Verb (+ Obj.) ?


Nǐ zěnme xuéxí Zhōngwén?
你  怎么    学习      中文?
How do you study Chinese?

4. “哪个 (nǎge)” is used to express “Which.”
Common structure:

Subj. + Verb + 哪个 (+ Noun) ?


Nǐ xǐhuan nǎge chéngshì?
你  喜欢   哪个     城市?
Which city do you like?

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