Wife Cheat on You? There is A Hat for That!

green hat

It’s said that when China’s then-leader Deng Xiaoping visited Texas 35 years ago, he was gifted a green cowboy hat by some of his hosts as a sign of hospitality. Deng squirmed at the idea of wearing the hat, and his hosts couldn’t figure out why. They should have done their research! In China, when a man wears a “绿帽子(lǜ màozi) green hat,”  it signals that he’s been cheated on by his wife. Not good! No wonder Deng was reluctant to play cowboy!
But why green hats? Well, the story goes that in ancient China, a woman famously dressed her husband in a green hat whenever he left on business trips. When her keen-eyed secret lover saw the hat, he knew it was safe for him to come over. A scandalous ploy that surely made her husband look the fool when the affair was finally exposed.
So, never ever say “绿帽子(lǜ màozi)” to a Chinese man! And if you’re planning on buying your newest Chinese friend a gift, make sure it isn’t a green hat. Wear your thinking cap!


1. 绿(lǜ): green

Zhè tiáo lǜsè de qúnzi bù hǎo kàn, wǒ xǐhuan nà tiáo báisè de.
这    条  绿色 的  裙子 不   好  看, 我  喜欢   那  条   白色  的。
This green dress is not so beautiful, I like the white one.

2. 帽子( màozi): hat

Wǒ zuótiān mǎi le yì dǐng xīn màozi.
我     昨天    买  了 一 顶    新  帽子。
I bought a new hat yesterday.

3. 绿帽子(lǜ màozi): green hat

Tā lǎopo gěi tā dài le lǜ màozi.
他 老婆   给  他 戴 了 绿 帽 子。
His wife cheated on him.

HSK 3 quiz

1. What color of hat is not a good idea as a gift for others in China?
A. 红色 (hóngsè) Red
B. 蓝色 (lánsè) Blue
C. 黄色 (huángsè) Yellow
D. 绿色 (lǜsè) Green
2. What does “帽子 (màozi) mean?”
A. Clothes
B. Shoes
C. Hat
D. scarf


6 thoughts on “Wife Cheat on You? There is A Hat for That!”

    1. jennifer.zhu

      Wow, you got the right answer. We will keep updating the posts, please feel free to check.

  1. Zhè tiáo lǜsè de qúnzi bù hǎo kàn, wǒ xǐhuan nà tiáo báisè de.
    这 条 绿色 的 裙子 不 好 看, 我 喜欢 那 条 白色 的。
    This green dress is not so beautiful, I like the red one. (baise=white) bu shi hongzi.

    1. jennifer.zhu

      不客气。 We will keep updating more interesting posts. Hope they can help you learn Chinese well. And I can arrange you a FREE live trial lesson if you are interested in learning Chinese. Let me know if you are interested.

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