你的属相是虎吗?(Nǐ de shǔxiàng shì hǔ ma?) Is Tiger Your Animal?

你的属相是虎吗?(Nǐ de shǔxiàng shì hǔ ma?) Is Tiger Your Animal?

Tiger symbolizes courage, confidence and energy, so this year is supposed to be full of hope and success.
Years of Birth for Tigers: 1914 1926 1938 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998 2010
Possessing the strength of king, you are confident, independent, brave and humane. You are always attached to what you want to do until you achieve it. To people, you have valuable qualities such as self-sacrifice and chivalrous heart. The Tiger would be successful as a public cadre and senior executives. Some famous Tigers are: Qin Shi Huang, Dr. Sun Yat-sen, Queen Elizabeth II, Roman Rolland, Socrates.

本命年 (běnmìngnián) The recurrent year in the twelve-year cycle of Chinese Zodiac

“本命年 (běnmìngnián)” refers to the year you were born in. It matches with one of 12 animals of Chinese Zodiac called “生肖 (shēngxiāo).” In the upcoming “本命年 (běnmìngnián),” according to Chinese tradition, one should wear a red belt and red socks and stitch a red cloth stripe on one’s coat. Because “本命年 (běnmìngnián)” is also called a threshold year which, it is believed, might be hard to get through. Chinese people believe that red is a lucky color, which can help people rid themselves of any misfortunes coming from their “本命年 (běnmìngnián).” Chinese New Year 2010 is the Year of the Tiger! If you were born in 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, you are a Tiger, and Chinese New Year 2010 is your “本命年 (běnmìngnián).”

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