Mini-test Answers: A Red Apple and Eight Books (Beginner)

Beginner Level 初级 (chūjí)

The correct answer to this test is C.


A. liǎng gè hóng píngguǒ hé liù běn shū
      两     个   红     苹果     和 六 本 书 
    Two red apples and six books

B.  gè lǜ píngguǒ hé bā běn shū
    一 个绿 苹果      和 八 本 书
    A green apple and eight books

C. yí gè hóng píngguǒ hé bā běn shū
    一  个 红      苹果     和 八 本   书 
    A red apple and eight books

D. sān gè hóng píngguǒ hé qī běn shū
     三   个   红      苹果     和 七  本 书
    Three red apples and seven books

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0 thoughts on “Mini-test Answers: A Red Apple and Eight Books (Beginner)”

  1. Just make the sounds while keeping your upper teeth and lower teeth close together, pronounce “sh,” then straighten your tongue and let the air flow out, this is the “xī” sound; however, for the “qī” sound, do the same and then move your upper teeth a little forward and pronounce “sh” while letting the air flow out.

  2. Do lots of characters have different pronunciations in the Chinese language? For instance, “一” can be pronounced like “yí,” and “yì?”

  3. i can help u catherine…”qi” is pronounce as chi and xi is as “ksi”.
    Rock there are 4 tones and one neutral tone and so yi can b pronounced in 4 different ways and each will have a different meaning Hope this helps.

  4. “一” is not a polyphonic character. “yí” and “yì” are two variations of one syllable in tone. The pronunciation of “一” is “yī” when it is read alone. But when it is read together with other syllables, its pronunciation needs to be changed according to the syllables after it. It needs to be read into “yí” when the syllable after it is a fourth tone. It should be read into “yì” when the syllable after it is a first tone , a second tone or a third tone.
    For examples:
    一共(yígòng): in total
    一些(yì xiē): some
    一年(yìnián): one year
    一起(yìqǐ): together

    In Chinese, there are many polyphonic characters. For examples: 乐
    音乐(yīnyuè): n. music
    快乐(kuàilè): adj. happy

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