Answer to Learn “actually” with this Chinese quiz

Answer: B

Answer Analysis:

Zhè xiē jiājù kàn shàng qù shì mùtou de, _____ shì sùliào de.
这   些 家具   看   上     去  是   木头 的,_____ 是  塑料  的。
This furniture looks wooden, ____ it is plastic.

1. 其实 (qíshí): actually; in fact.
This word expresses the actual situation, and is ordinarily used at the beginning of the clause after the comma. It expresses a change or supplements the sentence in front of it. In the quiz sentence, “其实 (qíshí)” is in line with the sentence’s requirements, and so B is the answer. The examples below will give you a better understanding of how to use this word in a sentence.
Tāmen zhǐ zhīdào àilíng huì yīngyǔ, qíshí tā de rìyǔ yě hěn hǎo.
他们    只   知道    爱玲  会   英语,其实 她的 日语 也  很  好。
They only know Ailing can speak English, actually her Japanese is also really good.

Kàn qǐ lái tā zài xiào, qíshí tā xīn lǐ hěn nánguò.
看 起 来 她 在  笑,其实 她 心 里 很     难过。
It looks like she is laughing, in truth she is very sad inside.

2. 反而 (fǎn’ér)- on the contrary; instead; but.
反而 (fǎn’ér) is used to express “on the contrary” or “in contrast,” with “反而 (fǎn’ér)” going in the second part of the sentence. Note that the meaning of “反而 (fǎn’ér)” goes beyond just “but” and is usually used to explain that something is totally the opposite of what one was expecting.
Chī le zhè ge yào, bìng fǎn’ér jiāzhòng le.
吃  了 这 个  药,病     反而     加重    了。
After taking medicine, the illness didn’t get better. On the contrary, it got even worse.

3. 其中 (qízhōng)- among; in (which); inside.
Wǒmen yǒu bā gè rén kǎoshì jígé, wǒ shì qízhōng yī gè.
我们      有   八 个 人    考试  及格,我   是   其中  一 个。
Eight of us have passed the examination, I am one of them.

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