
Mini-Test Answer: Yes

Beginner Level 初级 (chūjí)

The right answer for this online Mandarin course is A.

     Nǐ xiǎng hē píjiǔ ma? A: 你 想     喝 啤酒 吗?      Would you like to drink some beer?

     Wǒ xiǎng hē yìdiǎnr. B: 我    想    喝 一点儿。     I would like to …

Mini-Test Answer: Yes

Intermediate Level 中级 (zhōngjí)

The correct answer to this test is A.


    Wǒ zuìjìn dúle yìběn shū-Zhōngguó Guójiā Dìlǐ. A: 我   最近   读了 一本   书- 《中国      国家   地理》。 Recently I read a book called Chinese National Geography.

   Zěnmeyàng? B: 怎    么   样? How did …

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