Chinese Quiz: Who is infected by the Virus?

Read the Chinese dialogue below and answer the question. Lǐ Hóng: Wǒ biǎo gē qù yīyuàn jiǎnchá chūlái de jiéguǒ shì yángxìng. 李红:我表哥去医院检查出来的病毒结果是呈阳性。

Chén Lì: Tiān a! Qián liǎng tiān búshì hái shuō shì fǒu yīn xìng ma? 陈丽:天啊!前两天不是还说是阴性吗?

Lǐ hóng: Shì de. Xiànzài qíngkuàng …